PennVet Genetics Study
The Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Wildlife Futures Program at PennVet are studying Eastern cottontail genetics to understand how wild cottontail populations are spread out across the state and to identify barriers that may affect how cottontails move across the landscape.
EC_HunterTrapperCollection_FlyerPGC Otter Harvest Reporting
The following postcard was sent from the Pennsylvania Game Commission to PA Trappers:
D11: Fur Sale Results – 01/11/23
PTA General Membership Meeting
Saturday, August 15th – 1:00 PM
Clearfield County Fairgrounds – Clearfield, PA
Please bring a chair as none are on site.
Space is restricted but there will be a limited number of supply dealers on site from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The PTA State Booth will be set up with merchandise, memberships, patches, coins, sweepstakes tickets, etc. Drinks and food (limited menu) will be available for purchase.