Ed Price featured on “Conservation Corner”
Seasoned trapper Ed Price was recently featured on the podcast “Conservation Corner” to talk about all things trapping and conservation. Listen to the episode via the link below:
Beaver trappers
Some photos of beaver trapping program partnership between the PGC and PTA. From the looks of it it was a huge success!
District 8 Shrimp and Chicken Feed
District 8 Shrimp and Chicken feed meeting at the Blain Picnic Grounds, Perry County. We had a great meeting today. 55 members present. The big news is that District 8 of the PTA has partnered with the Sherman’s Valley Strutters Chapter of the NWTF to host a sanctioned senior and junior turkey calling contest at our April 6th, 2019 spring sportsmans show at the Blain Picnic Grounds. For more info, or to see the flyer, check out the District 8 page on the PTA website: patrappers.com OR call George McEntee at 717-732-8099
PTA Photos – November 2018

PTA Memberships make great gifts!
Give the gift of a PTA Membership this year!
Simply check the box below as you fill out the form. Note: once you click submit, you will be redirected to PayPal to pay for your membership.

2018-2019 Photo Contest
The theme for the 2018-2019 season is “Family Trapping”. Entrants should submit photographs showing two or more family members actively trapping on a PA trapline. View rules and details below.
The winning photo will be published in the On Target magazine (the official publication of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen and Conservationists). If the photo is suitable it will used for the cover art. The winner will also be offered the opportunity to provide a short story about the photo/trapping experience for the magazine. Winner receives a free 1 year e-membership to PFSC.
- 1st PLACE – $150
- 2nd PLACE – $100
- 3rd PLACE – $50
photocontestsheet19PTA ELECTION
The Pennsylvania Trappers’ Association Inc. will hold an election during the State Rendezvous from June 26-29th, 2019, to fill the offices of President, Vice President-East, Vice President-West, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Public Relations Director, NTA Director and FTA Director. Anyone interested in submitting their name to be placed on the ballot for this election should forward their resume to Tom Lane via email at lane938@gmail.com or U.S. Mail at 938 McGuffey Road, West Alexander, PA 15376. Resumes must be received no later than February 1, 2019, in order for your name to be published on the ballot. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tom via email or phone. Ph: 724 484-0718.
PTA Photos – October 2018
Here are some photos from various events and activities throughout the organization. Click on each photo for larger version, and for a caption explaining the event (if available).
Note: Events that have more eight or more photos are broken out into their own posts.
PTA Supplies 36,300 Wildlife Coloring Books!
Did you know the PTA provided over 36,300 Wildlife Coloring Books to the Pennsylvania Welcome Centers this year? Astonishing number which hopefully translates to lots of kids learning about the world around them!
- 2018 Polaris 4 Wheeler w/trailer John Straub Dalmatia, PA
- $500 – John Maley Pottsville, PA
- $400 – George Brown East Stroudsburg, PA
- $300 – Tammi Jenkins Troy, PA
- $300 – Michelle Newhart Laceyville, PA
- $300 – Jason Landis, Schuylkill Haven, PA
- $300 – Bob Anderson Volant, PA
- $400 – Aaron Barta San Pedro, CA
- $500 – Rhonda Barriger Sidney, NY
- $1000 – Todd Showers Boyertown, PA