- Beaver: 67 sold, $7.90 avg.
- Bobcat: 1 sold, $30.00
- Coyote: 8 sold, $13.60 avg.
- Fisher: 1 sold $20.00
- Grey Fox: 2 sold, $15.00 ea.
- Mink: 26 sold, $5.38 avg.
- Muskrat: 354 sold, $3.09 avg.
- Raccoon:122 sold, $3.90 avg.
- Red Fox: 9 sold, $5.75 avg.
- Skunk: 1 sold at $2.00
- Castor: 5.2 lbs. sold, avg. $78.00 lb.
D2 Summer Picnic and meeting will be held on July 10, 2022 at Sugarcreek Community Park, Rt.268, Cowansville, PA 16218. The Picnic starts at noon and the meeting will begin around 2pm. Bring a covered dish.
District 2 Trapper Training School will be held at the North Butler Hunting and Fishing Club,105 Christy Hill Rd. Petrolia, PA 16050. Anyone interested in signing up for our school can contact Jim Colosimo at 724-794-4549.