JULY 20, 2019

Where: Laurel Ridge Sportsman Assoc. 2906 Coxes Creek Road Somerset Pa. 15501

Time: 7:30 am Start. Lunch and supper will be provided finish 8:00pm

Contact: Brian Spory 818 Penn Ave. Hollsopple Pa. 15935
Phone #814-244-7717

Cost: $20.00 per person
(includes t-shirt if signed up before July 10,)

What to expect: The school will be open to male and female students of all ages and can be a family event. An adult must accompany children under the age of 12. There will be some indoor instruction. Bring boots, (also waders if you have them), camera, notebook, rain gear, and be ready to learn from District 5 Trappers with years of experience. There will be Water trapping, Land trapping and Species specific trapping shown, just how we do it in the fields and creeks. We have experienced instructors. They will share with you many years of information in a short period of time. They will cover the entire trapping process; types of traps, trap preparation, trapping demonstrations on both land and water sets, skinning, fleshing and getting your catch to the fur buyer or tannery. We will also discuss trapping laws, license and seasons.

Information Required:

NAME:___________________________________________________ MALE_____ FEMALE____
AGE: ________ T-SHIRT SIZE: __________

Mail or email to:

Brian Spory 818 Penn Ave, Hollsopple, Pa. 15935 bspory@atlanticbb.net

Make checks payable to: PA Trappers Assoc. District 5. You may also pay the day of the event.