Barry Warner receives award for outstanding service to agency and PA trappers

​The Northeast region of the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) recently awarded Dallas resident Barry Warner with an Outstanding Hunter-Trapper Education Instructor award for his contributions to the agency’s Successful Furtaker and Cable Restraint certification programs.

​Mr. Warner logged over 240 volunteer hours since becoming an instructor in 2008 and donated 27 hours teaching advanced Game Commission trapping classes in 2018. He provides trapper training to cadets attending the Game Commission’s Ross Leffler School of Conservation in Harrisburg and State Game Wardens stationed in the Northeast region.

“Barry is a highly passionate, knowledgeable and skilled trapper,” said Game Commission Information and Education Supervisor William Williams. “His instruction at trapper training classes is very hands-on and he sets up a demonstration area that provides valuable visual aids, driving home key teaching points on legal and illegal sets.”

Warner also instructs at numerous Pennsylvania Trappers Association (PTA) training schools held around the state each year. He is the PTA’s public relations director and has been instrumental in developing Best Management Practices for North American furbearers.